H-Start Agricultural Test Results

More than just yield

While we do measure yield in our trials, yield is a lag indicator of the many positive effects H-Start had on the soil and crops throughout the growing season.  By contrast, lead indicators can be observed throughout the year and demonstrate the short and long-term impact of using H-Start.

We measure the following lead indicators in our Birch Hills location and with some of our 3rd party partners. 

Healthy Soil DNA

After harvest in 2022 and 2023 we collected soil samples in each block of the Birch Hills Commercial Demo field for DNA testing by Biome Makers. The soil DNA testing identifies soil fungi and bacteria present in the fields.

Biome Makers BeCrop Test provides a comprehensive Microbiome Analysis Report which allows us to understand the microbial changes in the soil and the resulting functionality improvements that can be attributed to the application of H-Start.

img sg3 key findings with h start application

Key findings with H-Start application

See the Biome Makers BeCrop test results from 2022 and 2023 using the links below.  You can also review the guide for interpreting those results here.

2022 H-Start BeCrop Report 2023 H-Start BeCrop Report
NE Quadrant NE Quadrant
NW Quadrant NW Quadrant
SE Quadrant SE Quadrant
SW Quadrant SW Quadrant

H-Start Soil Health Study

H-Start has an additive impact with repeated annual application. It’s projected that carry-over of beneficial soil microbes will result in progressive changes in the biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil.  This includes factors like soil wet aggregation, soil active carbon, compaction, water retention capacity, microbial respiration, and water infiltration.

Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA)

Dr. Yamily Zavala began research with H-Start in 2021 near Oyen, Alberta. Her team identified the evolution of the main soil biophysical parameters after 2 years of treatment with H-Start.

img sg4 h start soil health study

Preliminary CARA Results

Effect of H-Start Treatments on Yield and Soil Biophysical Properties – Canola 2022.

Treatment (Pellet - Fertilizer rate) % Change from H-Start treatment vs 100% fertilizer
Agronomic and Soil Bio-Physical Parameters H-Start + 100% Fertilizer 100% Fertilizer Control 0% Fertilizer
Yield (bu/ac) 18.0 15.0 5.8 20.0%
Penetrometer 200PSI (inch) 2.7 2.0 2.0 35.0%
Penetrometer 300PSI (inch) 2.9 2.9 2.8 0%
Water infiltration (min) 3.76 2.85 7.07 31.9%
Microbial Respiration mg CO2/g 0.572 0.466 0.487 22.7%
Active Carbon mg Active C/Kg 99 73 99 35.6%
Soil Wet aggregation (%) 39 32 28 21.9%

Key observations:

Our research commitment

HumaTerra has invested in research to validate the performance of H-Start in agriculture applications.  We’ve completed independent field research trials at multiple third-party locations across Saskatchewan and Alberta. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) trials allow us to identify and confirm trends and establish valid averages. This has proven the fit for H-Start across a broad range of soils and conditions.

3rd Party Independent Testing

We invest in third-party, independent research trials to provide scientific data, observations, and insights on the performance of H-Start.

Testing was done in Alberta and Saskatchewan in 2022 (11 locations) and 2023 (9 locations).

Our research partners include:

img sg5 birch hills h start commercial demo field

Birch Hills H-Start Commercial Demo Field

Since 2021, we’ve conducted trials on a quarter section of our property near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan.

The purpose of this demonstration trial is to increase our understanding of the benefits of increasing microbial diversity that H-Start brings on a commercial scale application.

The Birch Hills, commercial demo field is divided into quarters, each with a different history of H-Start treatments so we can measure short-term and long-term impacts.

NW Block (Control)

NE Block

SW Block

SE Block