Re-establish native vegetation quickly and permanently

H-Start Reclaim for the
reclamation of degraded land

Soil with a healthy community of beneficial bacteria and fungi is the ideal environment for native species to establish and thrive.

Contact us today to learn how H-Start Reclaim can support your reclamation project.


Seed with confidence in difficult conditions

Establish native species and seeded grasses permanently

img s2 Make degraded soils productive

H-Start Reclaim is custom blended for reclamation in industries like oil & gas, mining, forestry, and municipal land.

Return the land to its original state faster

Rebuild healthy soil

H-Start Reclaim creates a healthy microbiome with the right beneficial fungi and bacteria to support native vegetation – even in difficult environments.

img degraded soil
img s3 Establish strong root systems

Establish strong root systems

Soil with H-Start Reclaim creates the ideal environment for native and seeded species to quickly establish a strong rooting system.

Mitigate difficult growing conditions

Difficult environments with hydrocarbon contamination, compacted soil, or areas prone to erosion are difficult for native or seeded species to establish and thrive.

The soil microbial diversity from H-Start Reclaim gives plants what they need to be resilient and survive long-term.
img s3 Mitigate difficult growing conditions

Support compliance

Many industries face stringent reclamation reporting and certificates. Using H-Start Reclaim in your reclamation plan helps you get to your end goal of permanent vegative cover faster.

Contact us for more information or to purchase H-Start Reclaim

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost will depend on the application rate required.  Product use rate will vary by application type and the severity of the soil degradation. Please contact HumaTerra at 1-833-247-3436 or for a consultative discussion.


H-Start Reclaim can be suspended in hydroseeding solutions, broadcast and incorporated, or soil placed with the seed.

If you have other questions, get in touch or check out our FAQ page.