Microbial Soil Inoculants
for Canola Agriculture

H-Start Brassica Blend

H-Start Brassica blend is a soil enhancer specifically designed for brassicae crops including but not limited to canola and mustard. It contributes to better crop development by improving nutrient cycling, increasing the decomposition of organic matter, and antagonizing pathogens.

h start brassicae blend product

H-Start Brassica blend is made from ingredients with bacteria and fungi ratio targets. Nutrients and binders are added to enhance shelf stability and provide essential food for the bacteria and fungi.

Broadcast rates are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. H-Start Brassica blend can be applied anywhere that soil is disturbed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the type of application, $20-$30 per acre

H-Start Broadacre and Brassicae blends can be applied in the furrow (via air seeder) or broadcast. The pellet is 5/32” and has a density of 48lbs per cubic foot.

Please contact us directly to purchase H-Start.

Are you curious why we have different blends? Check out How It Works.