Reclaiming Degraded Tailings Pile Soil: H-Start Reclaim Research Results
Land reclamation is a critical environmental challenge, especially in areas with degraded soil like tailings piles. The HumaTerra team completed a series of trials to assess the efficacy of H-Start Reclaim in facilitating plant growth and root development in challenging conditions. Both trials used a sample from a tailings pile that was extremely low in […]
Soil Salinity: A Closer Look at Soil Microbe Inoculation
While better farm practices have reduced the risk of soil salinity in Canada, there are areas where it remains a significant problem. Salinity impacts crop growth, nutrient availability, and overall soil health. However, the addition of active soil microbes can result in improvements to soil health and minimize the overall impact of salinity. Salinity and […]
Soil Health News: Soil Microbes and Drought Research
An article by Carol King in Top Crop Manager highlighted a project led by microbiologist Tim Dumonceaux at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in Saskatoon. The research explores the potential of leveraging soil microbes around oilseed plant roots to enhance drought tolerance. Dumonceaux’s research delves into the role of root exudates (compounds excreted by plants […]
Soil Health News: Unveiling the Power of Disease-Suppressive Soils: A DNA-Based Exploration in Prairie Crop Rotations
A research project led by AAFC’s Xiben Wang, is delving into soil microbial communities in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The focus is on understanding the genetic makeup of these communities to identify crop rotations that can harness the potential of naturally occurring biocontrol agents against major pathogens. Focus on Fusarium and other soil-borne disease Primarily concentrating […]
Soil Health News: Practical Recommendations for Measuring Soil Health
In collaboration with over 100 scientists across 124 agricultural research sites in Canada, the US, and Mexico, the Soil Health Institute (SHI) outlined a practical suite of 3 soil health indicators for land managers. After evaluation of 30 different factors, they recommended the following three as a minimum, based on cost, practicality, and effectiveness. Organic […]
How to trial H-Start on your farm: Field Guide
Measure the impact on your farm. Running a trial on your farm is one of the best ways to assess for yourself the potential impact of H-Start for your operation. The benefits aren’t just measured and seen at harvest though. Your crop and soil benefit from H-Start throughout the growing season and many of these […]